Frequently Asked Questions

Still not sure? Find answers to your questions below

  • What is JAQ Focus?

    JAQ focus is a sugar-free energy/focus drink, in a tab form! Built for gym, office or long study sessions!

    The perfect choice for those on the go, and needing FAST acting energy, our tabs start working within 20 minutes!

  • How does it work?

    JAQ Focus is the ultimate tool for helping you to achieving peak performance. Concentration, focus and endurance are what separate the winners from the losers. The brain is a muscle that needs exercise to stay sharp.

    JAQ's goal was to find a way to add mental benefits without sacrificing any of your favourite things about caffeine like boosts in energy and alertness, fast acting stimulation or added functions like enhanced mood or lessened anxiety or stress.

    Plus, we wanted something natural, vegan-friendly with no taste! We found that balance with JAQ Focus - easy on the stomach and ready-to-go anywhere you are: at work, home studying with family, in transit on public transportation. 

    The Supplement game is somewhere that is hidden and always in the shadows, in most cases, you don't even know what you are taking, that's why we are open and honest, and have even included references as to why we hand selected each ingredient. 

    • CAFFEINE – Stimulates the Central Nervous System. 

    • ACETYL-L-CARNITINE – Benefits cognitive functioning.
    • L-THEANINE – Increases Alpha brain wave activity.
    • L-TYROSINE – Elevates mental capabilities & negates ‘crashing’ effect of caffeine.
    • MATCHA GREEN TEA – Improves mental alertness.
    • NIACIN – AKA Vitamin B3, for efficient energy production.
    • VITAMIN B12 – Aids metabolism and healthy CNS functioning.


    • “Caffeine has many well-described pyschopharmalogical effects, including increased energy, increase alertness, improved mood and enhanced cognitive performance.” - Jennifer Temple, Ph.D., University of Buffalo

    •Studies indicate that taking Acetyl-L-Carnitine daily “may help prevent age-related mental decline and improve markers of learning”. - Rudy Mawer, MSc

    •L-Theanine “stimulates production of alpha brain waves directly, creating a state of deep relaxation and mental alertness such as is often achieved via meditation.” - Russ Mason, M.S.

    •”Studies show that L-Tyrosine can improve cognitive performance when sleep deprived, without affecting your sleep pattern, like caffeine does.” - Adrianna Talaga

    •Matcha Green Tea has been found to cause “improvements in attention, reaction time, and memory.” - Rachael Link, M.S., R.D.

    “Vitamin B12 plays a key role in fat metabolism, noting that a deficiency could be linked to increased fat accumulation and obesity.” - Rachael Links, M.S., R.D

    Niacin “plays a vital role in converting the food you eat into usable energy and helps your body’s cells carry out important chemical reactions.” - Gavin Van de Walle, M.S., R.D

    “Vitamin B12 has a fundamental role in CNS functions at all ages…and in the prevention of disorders of CNS development.” - Edward Reynolds, National Library of Medicine 

  • How much caffeine is in one tab?

    Each tab has 100mg of caffeine, we advise each serving as two tablets, but lots of customers say one is enough!

    More than that bullish energy drink!

  • How many are in one pack?

    30 tabs!

  • How fast does it kick in?

    Customers notice a difference within 10 minutes, and full strength commences within 20 minutes!

  • What do you mean by 'No Crash'?

    Ever felt that energy slump 1-2 hours after taking a sugary energy drink?

    Exactly that!

    Our expert formula is crafted to stop that crash, so you can get on with your day unaffected!

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@gamewithkiwi JAQ Jaq has zero, your move.


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@millie JAQ Career driven? We got you.


@jim JAQ Get ready for the day.


@gamewithkiwi JAQ Jaq has zero, your move.


@david Great stuff cheers.

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